CH Ask Och Embla's Zwartwitje

Inbreed COI: 2.93%
Date of birth: 7th of march 2014
Carries Dillution
PK-def DNA Normal
HCM Echo Normal March 2017
Normal May 2016
Normal June 2015
PKD Echo Normal
Suprelorin breaks: summer 2015-spring 2016 and summer 2017- winter 2018
Hunter.. dear Hunter...
From the moment i saw him (approx an hour after birth) i KNEW he had to be mine!
His appearence is, in my eyes, to die for, his looks scream naughty! don't be fooled though, he's a softie at heart. If not given the attention wanted, he will go any lenght to get it. Where i am, you can find Hunter close by, because he sticks to mee like bees on honey.
The way he grew up, to us, was also an important thing! he was weaned on Raw meat and whole prey, and doesn't even know the taste of kibble, a thing he will not eat even if he has to starve himself. We firmly believe the fact he grew up in this "lifestyle" had a huge impact on his developement.
Even though he is still developeing on the moment, we think he is absolutely promising. his boning, looong tail, straight nose and good chin is something he will surely pass on to his kittens!
Hunter is available for studservices
More pictures on request!