
spring 2019

Lorelei Fra Jegere Drøm & Chief Vol'Jin Fra Jegere Drøm

Inbreed COI: 3.9%

Expected colors: All black, Blue, And black and blue with white.

Tested: Hcm/PKD/CIN through echocardiogram.
GSD-IV and Pk-def N/N

This litter was not one of our initial plans, but Vol'Jin, whom we (and our vet) thought to be infertile, decided Lorelei would be worth becoming fertile for!

A lovely couple, both completely different in type, but identical in personality. Obsessed with human contact and cuddles, never more than a few ft away from us, always at our sides. 

This litter will prove to give us some of our sweetest babies ever! 

Kittens of this combination will be available for breeding, but not for the Netherlands

all girls will be put under evaluation for us untill 13 weeks of age. 

Thuraya's Caracal Illuín & Moonchild Fra Jegere Drøm 

Inbreed COI: 2.8%

Expected colours girls:
Black tabby blotched, black, Blue tabby blotched, blue  all with or without  white.

Expected colours boys:
Black tabby blotched, black ,  Blue tabby blotched, blue,  all with or without white. 

recent event led us to believe Sady's Father might be an Amber Carrier, which gives Sady a chance of being a Carrier as well. If this is the case, there is a chance of Amber tabby and amber solid with white. 

Kittens will be amber carriers in any case.

Tested: Hcm/PKD/CIN through echocardiogram.
GSD-IV and Pk-def N/N

Both Sady and Caracal are good sized Norwegian Forest Cats. They both have the incredible triangles, good boning  in our eyes and insanely straight profiles to boot! Sady's ears are a tad high set, but we are sure Caracal will balance this out.

We are looking forward to winter next year to see the babies from this combination!

Kittens of this combination would not be available for breeding.

Dear Ingeborg, thank you, from the bottom of our hearts for your blessing!

Tess av Froskeland & CH Ask Och Embla's Zwartwitje

Inbreed COI: 2.95%

Expected Colors girls:
Black tortie solid, blue cream tortie solid. All with white

Expected Colors boys:
Red solid, Cream solid. All with white

Tested: Hcm/PKD/CIN through echocardiogram.
GSD-IV and Pk-def N/N

Finally! We will have kittens after our Hunter again. 

Hunter is the most amazing male when it comes to temperament, always happy, doesnt  suffer" from being fertile and we are extremely happy with how he developed over the past 4,5 years. He isnt that big, but he has insane boning, an nice straight profile, and a good, profound chin.

Tess is a big, big girl, with great boning, and good triangle and chin. She lacks a bit in the nose-line department but we are confident that hunter will even this out.  

This will be a combination to keep an eye on.

Kittens of this combination would be available for breeding, but not for the Netherlands

For more info, feel free to email us at

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