Chief Vol'Jin Fra Jegere Drøm

Inbreed COI: 3.53%
Date of Birth: 19th of April 2017
Lowgrade smoke
GSD-IV DNA Normal per parents
PK-def DNA Normal per parents
PK-def DNA Normal per parents
HCM Echo Normal August 2018
PKD Echo Normal
Born a son of our Marivon Ebbe and CH Ask Och Embla's zwartwitje, this lovely lowgrade smoke boy.
He is without a doubt a copy of his mother in terms of boning, size and temper, with slight influences thanks to his father. Treetrunks for legs and a decent lenght tail complete him. he is 100% straight in his profile, but has a slight forehead.
At mere 13 weeks old he "danced with death", but thankfully made a full recovery. We have decided to keep him.
An amazing lovebug, always in for a game and or cuddle, we are irrevocably in love with him!
Since he doesn't "suffer" from being a fertile male, we decided to keep him fertile for the time being.
At this point in time, Vol'Jin isn't available for studservices, as he hasnt sired kittens at hom eyet and we would like to see how he develops