Tess av Froskeland

Inbreed COi: 2.73%
Date of birth: 15th of January 2018
Could carry dillution, carries solid (registered red tabby, 90% sure she is red solid)
PKdef DNA & GSD IV DNA Normal
Hcm & PKD Echo due 2019
Tess, Tessie...
what am i going to tell about you?
that we have been waiting for a kitten from Maureen and Dick for nearly 3 years and that that dream came true with you?
That your mother is Daniëls all time favorite girl. Which is quite something for someone not as bothered with the looks and breedtypical standards as me.
or that your funny, cheeky looks caught my eye from day one?
I held you at merely 2 days old? that you're a halfsister to our beloved, special Pandora? We are SO happy to have you
Thanks a ton Maureen and Dick